Big things on the horizon for Las Vegas by CitySpoon
July 13, 2011, 11:07 am
Filed under: CitySpoon, Events, Spooning People | Tags: , , , , , ,

Last post we spoke about Las Vegas being a city synonymous with fun and partying – talking about a night out our team had at a local hot spot and the fun we had. One thing we didn’t mention, however, is that Las Vegas is also a hub for start-up creativity which is quite literally bursting at the seams. Said start-ups thrive off being first to market with their creative ideas – hoping (and praying) that their idea will hit and make everyone involved wealthy. While this is a great mentality to live by, it’s very rare that things actually transpire as forecasted.

We here at CitySpoon are looking to change that perception and not be a “statistic”. We have ideas; great ones at that, ones that we can’t wait to flaunt – but not yet.  We’re developing a campaign to not only introduce ourselves to the city of Las Vegas, but also wow you and give a sense of the innovative things we have in store for you. So sit back, keep an eye on us, maybe even register here and become a “spooner”. Either way you’ll want to be around for everything – including our contest coming up in a few short weeks.

Till then…stay tuned!