CitySpoon is expanding and looking for go-getters! by CitySpoon
July 25, 2011, 2:54 pm
Filed under: CitySpoon, Las Vegas, Spooning People

CitySpoon is fast becoming the go-to place for Las Vegas locals; if not for the lifestyle reviews, then simply for the savings we offer through our affiliates. This being said, a team – no matter the size – cannot do well without its teammates, so we are now looking for charismatic interns to join us in our quest for full Las Vegas domination! Interested? Here’s how to become part of the CitySpoon team:

1) Write up a half-page summary tellin’ us what makes you stand out from the crowd, and most of all, why you’d be a good addition to the CitySpoon team.  (you know we like having creative blood in our midst)

2) Send us a resume (with contact information) and head shot to social at cityspoon dot com.

3) Cross your fingers, wiggle your toes, and count to 20 really, really fast.

Good luck to all who submit, if you’re considered for the role you will be contacted! And don’t forget to like us on Facebook,follow us on Twitter and register here for our site!