Drinking a big bowl of Sucker Punch by myksology

This weekend was the release of Sucker Punch with Director Zach Snyder. Yes it’s a 300 style/Watchmen and Dawn of The Dead guru.  We got to see it in IMAX. I was a little surprised because it was about 17.50 per person. It’s like buying two movies because the screen is bigger, it’s digital, and the sound will melt your face off. I was half expecting a hot little girl group fighting team. It was not what I expected with Emily Browning being this hot little Babydoll who shops from the Sailor Moon catalog.  It was pretty sad with the whole storyline of the abusive stepfather who wants the family fortune and puts Babydoll into a mental institution.  It’s confusing. Because in her head, it’s a club kinda like Burlesque but you never get to see the dance numbers.

The thing that fascinated me about this is they actually brought through morals and values through each mission of obtaining an object to escape. It was funny because I was expecting to see the dance that captivated men and brought them to their knees. It kind of reminded me of the Sirens in Greek Mythology from Homer’s Iliad. Errr The Oddessy with Odysseus.

“If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.”

At one point it was like opening a fortune cookie after each mission. Stop and actually watch and listen to the movie. Don’t be fooled by the scantily clad girl group prancing around killing WWII Fascists or Stone Samurai’s. Don’t just ponder on evil orderly who takes money to abuse the women in the mental hospital. It’s not what it’s about. It’s about freedom, self-sacrifice, self-confidence, and the fight for survival.

Sure, all the critics are gonna talk about the acting or how cool the effects are, or even the hot girls with the guns and swords. But what Snyder is famous for is the story. It’s all about the story…

Overhaulin the Information Superhighway by CitySpoon
March 25, 2011, 6:05 pm
Filed under: CitySpoon

“As many of you know, I was very instrumental in the founding of the Internet
Al Gore to Katie Couric 3/99

Ok so maybe we didn’t overhaul the internet. But someone should. Someone should give us the Alexa rating of 8. Because 8 is respectable.  We aren’t google or facebook. We are an individual entity that is pretty unique. Ok so you can’t poke anyone….you aren’t twitting or twooting or whatever it is. But who doesn’t like to spoon? The  Spoon Theory is a new segment to our lovely website that will entice you to read up and see what’s going on around town,  read our own reviews and experiences at different businesses in town, and just ramblings of our own free will that makes you think hmmm…WTF
I did make a pretty graphic of the header, and yes added some widgets.  We did not reinvent the wheel. I think we made the wheel more fun to roll down the street with a stick. I’m not really sure what that means but my grandfather used to do it and he thought it was fun. I think the wheel needs lasers, spikes and it needs to hover, but you obviously need a flux capacitor to get to that level.

So as a public service announcement  to make you feel all warm, fuzzy, and spoony. As a consumer myself, I ran across tough times. I am a bartender, as well as an IT guy and being in Vegas and not a hot chick. It makes it harder for me. It’s a good thing I was blessed with a great personality. Seeing sites like woot and groupon and stuff, it makes it easier to be able to go out and save some money.  It’s not easy with kids, and just trying to pay bills or take them to practice. That stuff adds up. So for a couple years, I haven’t been going out and missing out on the social aspect of life. I’ve become a hermit and I dwell in my cave scrounging up ramen and frozen homemade falafel.
Coming soon is a means to be able to go out again, take the kids out, have a means to save money, socialize with like minded Spooners, and just bring the golden era of the 20’s again….Well without the flappers, the mobsters, prohibition, the great depression, and definitely not wearing a zoot suit. Hey that may be a fun party. Let’s revisit that Zoot Suit Idea…

Back in Action by CitySpoon
March 18, 2011, 3:20 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

So it’s been a while because I went off to open a restaurant called i♥burgers. So this project was semi put on hold. Now I’m back to get the ball rolling again. went through a 1.0 change which never finished. But coming soon is the fresh and new 2.0. Today is an exciting day for you and your friends. The transformation has begun. When you sign up…you become spooners!
Who doesn’t like to spoon? I’m a fan of spooning! If fans were spoons, I’d be a spoon of spoons. The whole idea of this wasn’t from people like Groupon or Living Social. It’s because I was poor….no PO! I couldn’t afford the O and R. We are based out of Vegas and it sucked seeing all these businesses disappear. I saw friends and family leave town. The economy is hurting here. We lost homes, we stopped going out like we used to.
CitySpoon is our answer. Stay tuned. Great deals! Great events! Check out your city in a spoon!