Mad Hatter Cupcakes by CitySpoon
October 30, 2010, 7:12 am
Filed under: Dessert

Mad Hatter Cupcakes

Didn’t I just walk out of the cupcake place and buy a whole 26 dollars worth of Cupcakes. That’s actually 6 with a special decor. My Uncle was in the hopsickle up the street and we both have to have sweets. So I came on a mission. The place is kinda weird to get to. Its a matter of driving around and looking for it in the plaza.
When I walked in it was one guy working…but only one customer. I decided on a 6 pack halloween style with lil ducks that were in costumes as my accessory. You get to pick different flavor cupcakes, different flavor fillings, then toppings, then accessories. I don’t mind it but if there were more people there I’d be hella annoyed. But here I am…UHHHMMMMMMMM Let me get red velvet withhhh…….Uhmmmm Hmmm Vanil….no wait uhm…butter cream…….uh no I dunno….
OK when people have choices it makes it harder. Believe me from tending bar it SUCKS. So of course what do you do? Just agree with everything. I finally finished after 15-20 minutes of deciding. SUCKED BAD. Ok so there goes my precious time 🙂
The cupcakes themselves weren’t bad. Nice Moisture and the fillings were great. But I’m not down with the price….So obviously I’m knocking it because time’s are tough. Not really into it being so expensive 😦